Figure/Table detail

样品名称 深度/m S/A S/R A/NK A/CNK CIA CIW
L1-1 2763.75 2.41 2.23 8.75 8.16 90.97 99.09
L1-2 2763.86 2.48 2.27 8.79 7.50 90.80 98.89
L1-3 2763.95 2.73 2.50 8.91 8.37 91.19 99.21
L1-4 2764.00 2.34 2.15 10.02 9.37 92.14 99.38
L1-5 2764.36 2.01 1.65 42.40 18.00 97.70 99.17
L1-6 2764.58 2.04 1.90 34.79 20.62 97.68 99.47
L1-7 2764.90 5.51 4.95 3.58 3.44 79.90 98.55
L1-8 2765.22 2.94 2.88 4.04 3.89 81.87 98.58
L1-9 2765.78 4.98 4.85 3.90 3.74 81.31 98.49
L1-10 2766.00 5.56 5.27 3.50 3.36 79.48 98.62
L1-11 2766.38 5.22 4.90 3.55 3.41 79.78 98.39
L1-12 2766.75 4.78 3.16 3.38 3.25 79.05 98.92
L1-13 2766.85 5.28 3.78 3.24 3.12 78.36 98.87
L1-14 2766.94 5.40 4.36 3.23 3.10 78.54 99.20
L1-15 2767.50 5.09 4.08 3.15 2.97 78.49 99.83
L1-16 2767.70 5.20 4.33 3.14 2.87 79.43 100.79
L1-17 2767.80 5.06 4.15 3.15 2.85 79.68 100.88
L1-18 2768.30 5.96 5.04 3.21 2.84 80.13 100.96
L1-19 2768.56 9.43 4.84 3.01 0.03 93.46 94.54
L-2 2769.10 6.21 4.85 3.19 0.12 92.06 96.63
L-1 2769.50 3.87 3.04 3.13 0.16 91.07 96.90
TY-4 2770.25 4.23 3.48 3.13 0.29 88.51 97.50
TY-3 2771.40 5.90 4.00 3.02 0.07 93.18 95.95
TY-2 2771.90 5.92 4.72 3.08 0.13 92.29 97.47
TY-1 2772.10 5.95 4.73 3.07 0.13 92.22 97.19
Table 3 Chemical weathering index of weathering crust in Well Luo 1 in southern margin of Ordos Basin
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